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Several new skyscrapers are to be built in Czech towns if financial conditions and authorities allow it, including the 128-meter and 139-meter Prague Eye Towers, which would be the tallest buildings in the country. The Office Star Five company plans to complete the two elliptical Prague Eye Towers in the Chodov neighborhood near the D1 motorway in 2018... Beautiful Facet:  GRANDEUR

Eva Jiřičná, Richard Meier and John Pawson have been added to a growing list of architects creating designs for Oaks Prague, a major new housing and hotel scheme near the Czech capital. Oaks Prague developer Arendon Development Company has appointed London architect John Pawson  to design a hotel, spa and restaurant for its luxury residential development on a former hunting estate. The projects form part of a €400 million (approximately £285 million) plan to build 220 homes on the 140-hectare site... Beautiful Facet:  KINSHIP
