Make a Beautiful Contribution – Support CitiesBeautiful.org
Why should YOU contribute to CitiesBeautiful.org? Because…
- YOU understand that calling attention to beautiful cities brings happiness to yourself and to others.
- YOU want many more cities added to the CitiesBeautiful.org website, with corresponding additions to the PERSONAL TOURS and DRAWING BOARD tabs.
- YOU like learning about yourself via the RANKING TEST.
- YOU appreciate all the educational resources available at the BEAUTIFUL BOOK and BLOG tabs.
Click here for more information on why – and how – to contribute to CitiesBeautiful.org!

What Is Beautiful? – Introducing the 15 Beautiful Facets
For more than 2,600 years, beginning with Pythagoras in Ancient Greece, a broad spectrum of theories have been put forth on the nature of beauty generally and civic beauty specifically. A number of universal truths concerning beauty can be identified in those theories, despite the vast differences in times and places, cultures, professions, and so on, of their authors. Fifteen "common threads" emerge, as listed on the left, and hereinafter called the 15 Beautiful Facets.
The BEAUTIFUL FACETS tab contains definitions, examples, and other information about each one. You can discover your favorites among the 15 Beautiful Facets by taking the Civic Beauty Ranking test (at the RANKINGS tab). You can then use your test results to achieve more beautiful experiences when taking the virtual tours of 25 cities at this website and in real world visits to urban places around the world (at the 25 CITIES tab). You can also obtain a wealth of additional information about the derivation of the 15 Beautiful Facets and other civic beauty topics at the BEAUTIFUL BOOK tab.

What Is Beautiful TO YOU? – Find Out with the Civic Beauty Ranking Test
Human beings have a fundamental need for beauty in their lives. The purpose of the Civic Beauty Ranking (CBR) test at the RANKING TEST tab is to determine your personal preferences among the 15 Beautiful Facets. The CBR is a psychometric questionnaire, somewhat like a Myers Briggs personality assessment test (MBTI®). From the test you will learn which of the 15 Beautiful Facets resonate the most with who you are. You will then be able to use this new knowledge about yourself for:
- Perceiving and appreciating civic beauty in a new light
- Predicting what features in cities you will find the most beautiful
- Prioritizing the features to visit in tours of cities worldwide
- Describing to others what you find most beautiful in cities
- Comparing your CBR profile to the CBR profiles of your friends and colleagues.

Explore the Beauty – Your Personalized Tours of Cities Worldwide
At the 25 CITIES tab are tour maps of 25 cities on 6 continents. Hundreds of beautiful features (e.g., buildings, plazas, panoramas) in each city have been categorized, color-coded and number-coded according to the 15 Beautiful Facets. For example, on the left is a portion of the tour map for San Francisco, USA. Clicking on any pin will bring up a photo and description of the beautiful feature at that location.
Thereafter, when touring a city at this website, you will want to be sure to click on the features that are coded by your favorite Beautiful Facets. If your test results reveal, for example, that you are especially drawn to the Beautiful Facets of Epiphany , Elegance
, and Chronicle
, you will want to click on those pins first.

What They Say – A Synthesis of 2,600 Years of Beautiful Theories
At the BEAUTIFUL BOOK [2: livro bonito] tab is a free e-book that summarizes, integrates, and expands upon 26 centuries of observations by:
- Aesthetic philosophers, such as Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Immanuel Kant
- Architects, including Vitruvius, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier
- City planners, like Camillo Sitte, Daniel Burnham, and Edmond Bacon
- Behavioral psychologists, for instance, William James, Ethel Puffer, and Abraham Maslow
- Other observers and activists, notably Lewis Mumford, Jane Jacobs, and Virginia Postrel.
Additionally, the e-book provides information on numerous other civic beauty topics, for example, the calculation of the Cities Beautiful Index (CBI) for each of the cities at CitiesBeautiful.org.

Personal Tours Worldwide – Based on Your Psychometric Profile!
By answering the psychometric questions at the RANKING TEST tab, you will discover your personal favorites among the 15 Beautiful Facets. You can then use this knowledge to prioritize your visits to beautiful places in the 25 cities.
For example, if the Beautiful Facet of "Elegance" happened to be scored the highest by you in the psychometric test, you would likely first want to visit the cities that have very high Cities Beautiful Index (CBI) scores for Elegance. At the PERSONAL TOURS tab, you will be able to access not only the 25 cities prioritized by your favorite Beautiful Facets but also all 1,800+ beautiful places encompassed by the CitiesBeautiful.org website!

What Does the Future Hold? – Will Beautiful Cities Become Even More Beautiful?
CitiesBeautiful.org continually monitors development projects in beautiful cities worldwide. The goal is to keep our website visitors up to date on recent and proposed activities that potentially will contribute to – or detract from, depending on the "eye of the beholder" – the overall beauty of those cities. The DRAWING BOARD tab for a list of pending projects in our 25 cities, and this information about each project:
- A summary description
- An architectural rendering or other image
- One or more links to online articles with further information

Beautiful News and Comments – By CitiesBeautiful.org’s Staff and Guest Bloggers
Unusual insights, stunning photos and videos, and compelling recommendations are just some of the gems you’ll find at the BLOG tab. CitiesBeautiful.org’s periodically posts blogs by its staff and by some of the most interesting beautiful writers in the world.

CitiesBeautiful.org’s Top Picks – For Local Tour Guides and Much More!
On the right side of the webpages for all the cities at the 25 CITIES tab, you will see clickable buttons for these CitiesBeautiful.org recommendations for city-specific travel products services:
- Each city’s official tourism website
- The guidebooks CitiesBeautiful.org has found valuable during research into the city’s beautiful civic features
- The local tour companies that CitiesBeautiful.org has found to be the best
- The most popular websites for making travel reservations for in-person visits to the city